Tuesday 7 June 2011

Writer's Block A Common Factor

Is such a common factor that many articles have been written on this topic over the years.

I know there are times I'd stop, look blankly at the paper or screen and mutter, 'what do I write next?'

Fortunately there are now a number of postings on the net which helps to get the thoughts back on track but I still find that doing other things in the mean time, a good break from writing and I return to it, refreshed and ready to write the next article or poem.

What I find useful are:
  • Just taking a break from writing and it can be up to a month or more
  • Keep observing what's around, conversations heard in public areas (you'd be surprised at what you hear!)
  • See how others react when you tell them something and try to capture that expression so that when character building, you can see the different types of emotions used for the situation
  • Describe everything you see in a notebook as writing has to flow and it only comes with practice
  • Write down what you're feeling at the current time to get an idea of how far away you are from your writing objectives as this will help you realise what you need to do to help you get back on track of being refreshed and invigorated with new ideas to bring the writing project forward
  • Watching plays and performances, taking note of characters, plot and theme, naturally as forcing yourself to be to aware will lead to blankness at times
So many factors to take into account.

For me the most important one is that break from writing and just not thinking about it at all during these moments of not able to write anything productive.

Good luck and enjoy that writing journey of discovery!

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